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The Englefield Estate provides our local community with plenty of opportunities for outdoor exploring and learning in the natural environment. Here are some suggested indoor and outdoor activities, as well as links to further relevant information and ideas.

Routes and guides for walking and running

The Englefield Estate provides our local community with plenty of opportunities for outdoor exploring and learning in the natural environment. Here are some suggested indoor and outdoor activities, as well as links to further relevant information and ideas.

One of the best ways to get fresh air and exercise is to walk or jog regularly, and there are some fantastic opportunities across the Estate, including large areas of our woodlands, which are open for informal access on foot.

Here are some walking route photo guides. These have information on distance, terrain, ground conditions and parking as well as maps and step-by-step photo directions. We hope they are a useful introduction to our permissive walking routes and help those who are Walking for Health.

1.2 mile walking route from Mortimer - click here to download pdf

2 mile walking route from Theale - click here to download pdf

2.6 mile walking route from Silchester Playing Field - click here to download pdf

A map showing all the public rights of way and permissive walking routes around Englefield and Theale can be found here and a map for Mortimer and Mortimer West End can be found here.

The Pamber Forest Nature Reserve, owned by Englefield Estate and managed by The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, has a car park and a 2 mile waymarked trail. Find out more here.

Cows grazing in Pamber Forest

Activities to do at home or out and about in the countryside

To keep minds and bodies active, no matter your age, we have created some activity sheets which can be used when out and about in the countryside, in the garden or inside the home.

Canadian Loggers Camp - click here to download a pdf.

Animal tracks guide - click here to download a pdf.

Camoflage worksheet - click here to download a pdf.

Toy shelters guide - click here to download a pdf.

Wood cookies - click here to download a pdf.

What can you spot? Winter - click here to download a pdf.

What can you spot? Autumn - click here to download a pdf.

What can you spot? Summer - click here to download a pdf.

What Can you Spot? Spring - click here to download a pdf.

Englefield Gardens: Find the trees! - click here to download a pdf.

Learn about pollination - click here to download a pdf.

VE Day Activities: Dig for Victory - click here to download a pdf.

Learn about conifer trees - click here to download a pdf.

The arable farming year: Growing wheat - click here to download a pdf.

Cow quiz: True or false - click here to download a pdf.

Name parts of an oak tree - click here to download a pdf.

Birdwatching from your window activity sheet - click here to download a pdf.

Land art activity sheet - click here to download a pdf.

Neighbouring areas with public access routes

The Berkshire Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) reserve, Wokefield Common (adjacent to Burghfield Common village) has a car park and a flat easy access route. Click here to learn more.

There are also a BBOWT reserves with parking at Padworth Common, details available here.

Hosehill Lake has a 1 mile circular walking route around the lake, details available here.

Paices Wood Country Parkland, south of Aldermaston, with a range of waymarked walking routes, including a 3 mile wildlife walk and a 1.3 mile woodland walk. Click here for more details. 

Bucklebury Common has 3 small car parks and is accessible for walking and trail cycling. Click here for more details.

Other great online resources

There are brilliant online resources to help inspire activities and engagement with the natural environment.  Below we have provided links to some websites, which we hope you will find useful.

Plantlife UK provide loads of information to help kids learn all about meadow habitats: https://www.plantlife.org.uk/uk/discover-wild-plants-nature/learning-and-volunteering/schools

They also have a range of lovely spotter sheets, including flowers to look out for each month: https://www.plantlife.org.uk/uk/discover-wild-plants-nature/spotter-sheets

Butterfly Conservation’s Munching Caterpillars educational project has a great range of resources, including a really easy to use butterfly and caterpillar identification guide: https://munchingcaterpillars.org/resources/

Butterfly Conservation also provide easy to follow advice on gardening for pollinators: https://butterfly-conservation.org/how-you-can-help/get-involved/gardening

The Bumblebee Conservation Trust has designed an ID sheet to help you spot 8 common species: https://www.bumblebeeconservation.org/assets/documents/BBCT_Kids_ID_sheet_(big_8).pdf

Disclaimer: Although we make every effort to ensure links to external websites are accurate, up to date and relevant, they do not constitute an endorsement, and Englefield Estate cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.

Got a request or a question? Contact our Education & Environment Officer, Liz Mattison.

Get in touch

Englefield Charitable Trust

For more than 50 years the Englefield Charitable Trust has supported a range of charities and good causes in and around Berkshire, which include education, the arts, social welfare, health, conservation and the armed forces.


The Englefield Estate is proud to support a range of educational establishments and initiatives across our community.

Countryside Days for Schools

Englefield Estate’s annual Schools Days see the grounds of Englefield House, the deer park and the village transformed into an impressive outdoor classroom, offering lessons in farming, horticulture and forestry.